Category Archives: Shopping

Pin Pricks

Happy Earth Month!  I’ve been thinking about easy things we can do to help our planet.  They may seem small but if we all do them, the effect will be incredible.  Thus I have written this for your consideration: If … Continue reading

Posted in action, Climate change, Disposable planet, Food, Shopping | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Chemical Scents: They’re Everywhere!

I’ve written about chemical scents and health impacts in posts such as “Snake Oil?” but not recently. When I read Dr. Molot’s post recently, I just knew I wanted to share it and now was as good a time as … Continue reading

Posted in Asthma, Chemicals, health, hormone, Shopping, Uncategorized | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Is Your Java for the Birds?

What does your morning java have to do with birds? Possibly a whole lot. And if you are like many who love birds and love seeing them in your yard and hearing them in the forests and meadows, you may … Continue reading

Posted in Animals, Birds, Chemicals, Food, health, Shopping, Values | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Knowledge is power

I saw this post about chemicals in our lives by the co-author of a compelling book and I wanted to share it with you. Chemicals have severely invaded our everyday life. Some have said we’re living an experiment and we’re … Continue reading

Posted in action, Chemicals, health, hormone, Shopping, Tips | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Conflicting values

I live in conflict and only just realized it!  I live in a wee bit of clutter but I’m always working at tidying it up.  I move things here.  Tidy things there.  Organize shelves.  Re-organize closets.  It goes on and … Continue reading

Posted in Disposable planet, Respect, Shopping, Tips | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

Snake Oil?

What kind of mad world have we allowed to be created where now when you step out your door to go shopping for groceries and other products, you can’t simply worry whether there is too much salt, sugar or fat … Continue reading

Posted in Chemicals, Food, health, hormone, Shopping | Tagged , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Dangerous Deposable Device #3

This device is very common since bottled drinks with wide mouths exploded onto the market a few years ago.   But the device can have devastating effects on wildlife that encounter them. <–To the left is a common juice or … Continue reading

Posted in Animals, Disposable planet, Shopping, Tips | Tagged , , , , , , , | 6 Comments

Gifts Not Garbage

As we head into the gift giving season that it is for so many, I wonder how many people will give things that will last for any length of time.  In The Story of Stuff Annie Leonard tells us that … Continue reading

Posted in Christmas, Culture, Disposable planet, Shopping, Tips | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments